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You're Our Only Hope

Posted on Thu Jul 20th, 2023 @ 5:12pm by Captain Malcom Llwyedd & Lieutenant Commander Cynfor Rees & Lieutenant Commander Rhiana t'Aegis

2,009 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: A Long Hard Road Ahead
Location: USS Firebird, Deck 1, Captain's Ready Room
Timeline: 23 August, 2396, 1500 Hours


Malcom had his shirt collar undone and was holding a short glass full of amber-colored liquid when his XO and Second Officer entered. He waved them over at once.

"Grab yourself a drink from my replicator if you are so inclined," Malcom said. "As you can see, I am so inclined, especially after the day we've had so far."

Rhiana glanced from the captain's glass to his expression and nodded once. "Thank you, sir." She placed the PADD she was holding onto Malcom's desk and crossed the short distance to the replicator. "What can I bring you, Commander Rees?"

"A nice glass of cider would be great at the moment," Cyn replied as he took a seat. "If the reports are correct, it seems that we have gone from the frying pan into the fire."

Malcom raised his glass. "Here's to being in the fire then." He said and clinked glasses with them. "I was hoping this whole mission was going to be a search and rescue situation. Sadly, it doesn't look like that is going to be the case. We've got good intel that indicates whoever comes out of the wormhole is going to be in big trouble. Could be up to twenty small fighters from different races, all working together against the Federation and definitely against DS18. Reports indicate they are booby-trapping the entrance. This is a max-level danger insertion. Starfleet Command is still side-seat driving and they want me to send in a scout craft before the Firebird makes her run." He let them figure out where things were headed.

Rhiana placed her glass, that contained a colourless and odourless liquid, onto the captain's desk and picked up the PADD instead. Not that she really needed it right now, but it was something to hold onto for now. "We are beyond that kind of prudent order, sir. Sending in a scout takes too much time and it will, if the reports are true, result in a suicide mission. Likely one that will not yield any new data. In addition to that, this might be the last time that a vessel can cross the wormhole before the enemy closes the exit. By sending merely a scout, we might just as well do nothing and abandon our people on the other side."

Cyn sipped the cider and reveled in the sweet, tart flavors. A good cider can make any situation better and he hoped that this was a good cider. "Captain you bring up a good point. Suppose the Starbase or more accurately someone from the crew of the Starbase did something to provoke all those involved. Some of the people involved in this would never normally be allies. While I agree that sending a scout would be suicide as the Commander states, perhaps attempting contact with their leaders. Acting as a third party to see what provoked their ire or specifically why they want to attack the Federation. If they are open to a chat that at the very least could buy us some time." It was not the best of plans, but it was a plan and it was all Cynfor had at the moment.

"They attacked a Federation starbase," Rhiana cut in before the captain could open his mouth. "What makes you think that they would stop their hostile behaviour for a 'chat'? No, this is the time to act. We can always try to negotiate once we are on the other side and have a better overview of the situation."

"Making matters worse," Malcom said. "The Bajoran government wants to send a ship along with us. I've discussed it with Commander Leed and we are going to try to dissuade them but in the end, I can't actually force them to stay behind. They also have a lot of people on the other side to think about." He took another drink from his glass. "We can't refuse Starfleet. Not with our reputation what it is. So we have to find a way to send in a scout ship and make sure it doesn't get destroyed or captured right away."

Rees sipped his cider as he thought and then decided he would address Rhiana first. "I believe that attempting to see what caused the attack would be a great first step. No one attacks for absolutely no reason. As I said at the very least the attempt would buy us some time. As to a scout vessel, I don't think it would be possible to get something through without being destroyed or captured. At least not without a cloaking device. Do we have any information on the kind of technology that these people have at their disposal?" It was quite the predicament that they found themselves him. He rubbed his neck as some of the stress made him sore. Cyn was glad that the Captain had some strong drinks at his disposal.

"What makes you think that the attackers would stop their attack, even if they agreed to speak with us?" Rhiana asked. "We probably have to try your approach, Commander, but I would not rely on it to gain us any advantage. The cloaking device will not work during the passage through the wormhole. However," she continued, thinking out loud, "We could send in a scout ship, allow the Bajorans to follow it and go through with the Firebird at the same time. The attackers would hopefully concentrate on the scout and the Bajoran ship, which might allow us just enough time to raise the cloak. If the scout is piloted by Lieutenant Smith, it has a good chance of survival."

Once an Operations officer always an Operations officer, and right now all of Cyn's knowledge of systems worked through his head. "Suppose we install a cloak onto a shuttle. We take the Firebird through the wormhole under normal operation. We fly the banner of truce in an effort to gain information. As you say, Commander, that will not work. So, as we exit the wormhole we cloak the shuttle in the shuttle bay and launch. Lieutenant Smith would be at the helm with an away team on board. Their mission would be to get in and at the very least get a look around and then get out."

"I considered that option, Number One. But the energy requirements for the cloak are pretty extreme. Chief Harlan assures me that the Firebird has enough juice but I think the shuttle wouldn't," Malcom said in a thoughtful tone. "I think you are on to something though, Rhiana. I'm not ready to risk anyone's life. But what if we just automated the shuttle and sent it in as a scout? Simple solution. I don't know if the wormhole would allow us to keep a connection to the shuttle."

"It won't," Cynfor replied bluntly and after a brief moment of consideration continued. "However, a tractor beam would. We could drag the shuttle through the wormhole under tractorbeam. Now the next part would have to have pinpoint timing, but just as we exit the wormhole we release the tractor and establish the remote connection. If it is timed correctly no one should notice."

Malcom was envisioning the entire thing in his mind. "It sounds so complicated. Commander t'Aegis, we know that we can receive communications inside the wormhole, correct? What if we went even smaller? What if we simply entered the wormhole, triggered the exit but didn't exit and then shot a team in heavy excursion suits through?" Malcom realized it sounded crazy but they'd done something similar before.

"Risky, dangerous, but possible," Rees said almost to himself.

Rhiana had been frowning for a while now, which gave her an even darker expression than her usual unsmiling one. Clearly, she did not like any of the presented options. Hearing the last one, which was even more ludicrous than the previous ones, her frown deepened even more. Instead of immediately refuting the idea, however, she pondered it for a while. "The team might be less of an immediate target than a shuttle," she conceded eventually. "Possibly more difficult to target as well, giving the team a slightly higher chance of immediate survival than the shuttle crew," she continued. "They might be perceived as a lesser threat as well. But if the attackers close the wormhole at the wrong moment, that team is dead." She took a deep breath and met the captain's eyes. "It might be the best solution for a reconnaissance mission."

Malcom nodded. If he wasn't so under the microscope with Starfleet, he'd just ignore the order and do what he normally did. But following that path meant there was likely a spot on a beach somewhere in his not-so-distant future. He wasn't foolish enough to think that some of the new transfers weren't also sending messages about what they were doing. It was one of the reasons he hadn't done anything during the last six months that could in any way have been used against them.

"Alright. XO, get together with Lieutenant Smith and find out what kind of team he needs and what we can do to help. I'll follow up with Lieutenant Baxter and see what their digging has found."

"Yes sir! I will make sure that we have a team together as soon as possible. Should have a plan of action on your desk within a couple of hours." Rees knew that time was of the essence as usual. However, this plan of action would take some pinpoint accuracy. So, they would need all of the time that they could get.

"Did Starfleet give any orders as to the results of the reconnaissance mission before they will allow the Firebird to go through the wormhole? Or was their only condition that we first have to send in a scout?" Rhiana asked. "I am asking because the timing might be of the essence. I doubt that the attackers are waiting for us to arrive before triggering the closing of the wormhole, but if they have not managed to do so before our arrival, the detection of the reconnaissance team might make them accelerate their efforts. Could we send in the team and follow them a few seconds later, thus still obeying our orders?"

"I don't disagree, Rhiana. If they really are trying to seal the wormhole, they are probably actively engaged in that process, whatever it might be. But I've been gathering intelligence and even the brightest minds at Starfleet can't think of a way to shut down the wormhole quickly. They might mine it, which has been done before, but actually sealing it is going to take some time. Let's try the reconnaissance team and we will position the Firebird to be ready to go into the Gamma Quadrant."

"Yes sir. I will confer with Lieutenant Smith right away and see who he would need for this operation." Rees replied with a little less joy in his voice. As excited as he was to be doing something different, something that seemed worthwhile. He was worried about the prospective loss of life.

"Alright. Let's get moving. Dismissed," Malcom said and let the two Commanders exit.

Malcom drained the rest of his glass and then buttoned up his collar. He was feeling stressed for the first time in months and his body wasn't in the habit. As he thought over the sequence of events that were about to happen, he knew he wouldn't trade it for anything. He, and the rest of the crew, were about to make a difference.

Commander Malcom Llwyedd
Commanding Officer
USS Firebird NCC-88298
Lieutenant Commander Cynfor Rees
Executive Officer
USS Firebird NCC-88298
Lieutenant Commander Rhiana t'Aegis
Second Officer / Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Firebird NCC-88298


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Comments (1)

By Captain Malcom Llwyedd on Thu Jul 20th, 2023 @ 5:25pm

I think that this JP is an important one. In the past, maybe I haven't consulted with the XO and 2XO as much. They are very important in fashioning a cohesive plan. Great writing.