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Stepping on Toes

Posted on Tue Apr 4th, 2023 @ 1:18pm by Lieutenant Commander Rhiana t'Aegis & Lieutenant Jackson Smith

1,780 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Prelude to Rebirth
Location: Lieutenant Commander Rhiana t'Aegis's office
Timeline: February 17, 2396


Jackson had rushed down the corridor arriving just a minute before he was supposed to be there. He stopped just before Rhiana's office door. He knew he needed to be on time, but he also needed to collect himself. He took a deep breath and tugged at the bottom of his uniform straightening it out. Things had always been strained between the two of them. Their personalities were quite different. Jackson was loose with his attitude and the rules, whereas Rhiana was a perfectionist and stringent on following orders. Their conflict was inevitable. Had things changed though? For Jackson, he had always considered her part of his family, but after the turmoil with Xavi, he saw Rhiana in a different light. For him, he considered her even closer and more family. He had seen her fight for Xavi and he could truly respect and appreciate that. He would always have her back and would die for her. She was his family. But, did she feel the same? Had they grown closer over the recent conflict? Jackson shook his head, it was nearly impossible for him to know. A slight grin came to his face, Rhiana was great at keeping to herself especially her emotions. This was going to be a tough conversation, and he only hoped, well that she didn't just shoot him on the spot. That would be a good start...

He chuckled slightly at that, took a deep breath and stepped in front of the door, pressing the door chime.

"Enter," came Rhiana's voice from inside and the door slid open to admit the visitor. The chief of security and tactical was sitting behind her desk in her stark office that was devoid of any decoration. On the wall to her right was a master situation display not unlike the one on the bridge, just in a smaller version. Currently, there did not appear to be any crisis aboard, at least not one that would show up on this screen. Her desk was devoid of anything superfluous as well, with only a PADD in easy reach.

"Lieutenant," she greeted Jackson as soon as he stepped over the threshold. "Have a seat. What can I do for you?" While she was not smiling, she sounded normal enough and not in any way hostile or defensive.

Jackson nodded. "Lieutenant Commander, " He took the seat offered. His gaze quickly scanning the room. It was his first time here, and he wasn't surprised by what he saw. He met Rhiana's gaze and was pleasantly surprised, perhaps this will go better than he thought.

"I will get to the point. I have received orders from SFI. They want me to provide personal protection to Lieutenant Commander Leed and all his family and anyone close to him. " He studied her for a reaction. "Security is your jurisdiction and I don't want to cause any conflict. But also, the implication from SFI, is they want extra protection around Xavi without officially assigning."

Rhiana was good at controlling her facial expressions and she used this skill now to not give Jackson anything than polite interest and instead let him talk. She was not perfect, though. The muscles in her jaws tightened at the mention of Xavi and when she replied, her tone was a degree or three cooler. "Define 'anyone close to him', Lieutenant. Commander Leed has been aboard this vessel for years and he has made friends and close acquaintances aboard. Are you to provide personal protection to all of those as well?"

Jackson could sense Rhiana's frustration and she had every right to be. He responded carefully, "As usual with my orders from SFI, they have left things a bit vague. I am interpreting their orders to mean Lieutenant Commander Leed, his immediately family that is on board the Firebird, and unofficially Xavi. Which, since it is unofficial can be to whatever degree you want my help. I hope you understand that I don't want to interfere with your operations, I would like to just be an additional layer of security for these individuals. I don't have the training in security that you do, your team will obviously be the primary form of protection for all members of our crew." He looked to her, hoping that this could work out. "I do have a different set of skills and more eyes can't hurt, right?"

"I can assure you that Commander Leed and his family will be as safe aboard this vessel as anyone else," Rhiana replied, forcing herself not to feel insulted that SFI did not deign inform her, the chief of security about matters that touched the security of members of the Firebird's crew. At least Smith thought differently about that which is why she remained outwardly calm. "Every single security system aboard has been upgraded to the highest possible standard during the refit. We are also implementing new security protocols to minimise the risk of possible infiltrations." She paused for a brief moment to let that sink in before she continued.
"However, I have fewer possibilities should the Commander or his family decide to leave the vessel for any length of time. The most obvious method of protection here would be to send security guards with them, but this raises several issues: for one, my staff is not trained to act as bodyguards. This can be remedied by additional training; two, I do not have enough personnel to ensure constant surveillance during shore leave or when Commander Leed and his family decide to engage in separate activities while off board. Unless you have received additional staff I have not been made aware of. Three: are Commander Leed and his family aware of the need for additional security measures and have they agreed to it?" Until now and on purpose, she had avoided mentioning Xavi. It was easier to concentrate on Leed first.

"I have no doubt your security is top notch. And your line of thinking is exactly what I was considering as well. The Chief and I can provide that personal body guard type of protection. We will probably wear Starfleet Security uniforms or maybe even Diplomatic ones so that we can blend in easier. Leed has been informed, so I assume he has spoken to his family. Chief is speaking with Leed's daughter to assess her level of difficulty. As far as Anna and Birte, we may need to request one or two officers if things get complicated. I don't suspect that to happen very often. Also, to be honest, reviewing the intelligence on this, the danger to the Leed family is very slim. I am confident that Chief and I can cover 95% of the needs there." Jackson looked over at Rhiana. He really hated putting her in this position. Overall, though, Jackson did think this could work out well and hopefully he could build off the trust and respect they had tentatively built while rescuing Xavi. Rhiana was fiercely loyal and truly a good person. While Jackson struggled to understand her at times, he would always have her back.

Rhiana nodded. "Very well, Lieutenant. You will file a report prior to every surveillance duty. If you require additional personnel, I will provide it. Depending on the circumstances and occasion, you should consider having at least one or two members of the surveillance team in civilian clothing." While she was still her usual efficient self, she had apparently accepted the situation and her tone was normal again. Clearly, she was not blaming Smith for this blatant faux-pas and obvious sign of distrust from SFI.

Jackson nodded, "Good advice." Jackson sighed, the easy part was done. Now on to the more difficult issue, "As far as Xavi is concerned... honestly, I will leave it up to you. While on the ship, obviously, I won't step in. But if he decides to go on shore leave, and you want my help. It's here. I will wear civilian clothes. I can scope out possible locations ahead of time, or just provide an extra pair of eyes. To be honest, I don't care what SFI really wants me to do. I care what you think and want from this situation."

Rhiana swallowed hard. Even now, after all they had been through, after all the crew had done for her and Xavi, she still hated asking for help. Possibly even more so than before. She did not want to owe anyone anything anymore. She did not want to put anyone in danger. And being close to Xavi would always mean to be potentially in danger.

But, and this was a huge 'but', one that was not easy to admit for her, she could not do it on her own. She had tried and it had led to the boy being taken away from her. She had failed him then and she could not allow that to happen again.

Rhiana took a deep breath and meet Jackson's eyes. "He will refuse surveillance, even if he knows that it is necessary. He thinks he can take on the Tal Shiar and Sela on his own." She took another breath. "Can you... befriend him? You are only a few years older than him, so it might not be too suspicious. I do not mean for you to spend every waking moment with him," she hurried to add, "But show some interest him, until you have a casual relationship. Then it would be likely be more acceptable for Xavi if you accompanied him on shore leave or other off-ship activities."

Jackson nodded as Rhiana spoke. He met her gaze and could see the concern and affection for Xavi there. "It would be my pleasure." Jackson stood, he should give her time to reflect on this. "The captain and I are going to be starting up some basketball games, an old earth sport, and Xavi is definitely on our list." Jackson turned slightly to leave and hesitated. While the rescue mission was harsh for everyone, it was especially demanding on Rhiana. Jackson was amazed at the strength and resilience she had shown through it all. For a brief second, he almost offered to have a drink with her. Whether she knew it or not, she could also benefit from a friend. Then he decided it was best not to press his luck. "Until later commander."


Lieutenant Commander Rhiana t'Aegis
Second Officer / Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Firebird NCC-88298
Lieutenant Jackson Smith
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Firebird NCC-88298


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Comments (1)

By Captain Malcom Llwyedd on Fri Jun 16th, 2023 @ 4:15am

Outstanding post! The writing, of course, is top notch. But what really sets this apart is the internal conflict and thought that each character shows. It is so great so see how they are both developing. Rhiana actually coming to terms with the fact that she can't be a loner in all things, especially the ones most important to her. And Jackson is so smart in how he approaches her. This kind of perspective only comes from two characters that have been together a long time. A real treat to read.